Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Points of Summer

We are hitting mid-June here, which means we've been out of school for about 3 weeks. Unfortunately, someone has been sick in our home each day since! Today it is my husband's turn. This is our transitional summer. Each of my children will be starting a new school come August. I'm quite thrilled with some and quite filled with cautious optimism with the others. If you were to walk into my home right now, you'd see a piece of furniture, "the bar" pulled away from the wall and half-way into the entry-way. It has many things on top of it that I have posted to an online yard sale site. You would see a dining room with a sewing machine and a disarray of tools for such tasks as cutting and pinning and measuring. On the floor are two plastic bins filled with Granny's fabric. These are waiting to be sewn into pajama pants and skirts- because that is all I know how to make right now. There is an ironing board as well in the dining room and folded stacks of fabric on chairs. There is a china cabinet that is placed at an angle in front of a corner of the dining room and a bare wall to the right of it. I am hoping to move the china cabinet to the center of the wall- but it is ginormous and it will take ginormous strength to move it one iota. I've tried. We are doing lots of reading and movie watching right now. As one sibling after another goes through the upset stomach and headache virus. It is quite unpleasant for the sickling of the day. The remainder of the children, depending on who has been ill most recently, lethargically bid their time in front of the T.V. with a book and glassy eyes and sweaty faces. Dishes wait on the counter for the dishwasher to finish running so that it can be emptied and filled and run again. The dishwasher is certainly on it's very last leg- but this is not on my list of appliances to be replaced right now... no, the air conditioner has stolen to the front of the line with it's 23 year old leaky coils. My husband makes a daily jaunt into the attic to empty buckets so that our ceiling will not bear the brunt of the drippy mess. There are two baskets of laundry that are only visible to the Mama's Eye that await folding. You probably have similar baskets- I didn't even mean to purchase this type. But apparently NO ONE else can see it, but you. Others will sit next to it, on top of it, or avoid it all together. Maybe I should stash some individually wrapped rice crispy treats at the bottom and just start folding in front of my crowd and reveal the tasty treasure and eat it all by myself. It's a one-woman show right now with the occasional help of emptying the dishwasher. What's your secret to get family to pitch in with chores?? Please share! It's like my great hunt for anti-aging these days... We baked a cake to celebrate the first day of summer and made wishes.

Friday, February 28, 2014

5 Minute Friday- 2, CHOOSE

Five Minute Friday
Choose...what a gift.
Choices in every moment of every will I focus? Where will I focus?  WHO will I choose?
I choose Christ.  Not always though, when I'm cuddled in bed, it's dark, the covers are soft and warm and the air is cold and hard.  The alarm is so rude.  Those times I
choose snooze.  
"I'll have time later in the day", I think to myself as I try and pick up where I left off in my secure cocoon.  The rest of my day is jarring.  Wake up kids- I'm just as rude as the alarm tone that interrupted me earlier.  Quickly I escort the 3 year old to the bathroom when I notice that she's still dry.  Unfolding her body like a little kitten that you're trying to sit squarely on the small pink potty.  Five breakfasts...five lunches...five water bottles and five snacks.  Ten shoes and and five back packs.  Many kisses and some scoldings to GET.MOVING!!!
Last year snapshots of my lovies.
Now I choose my coffee and my bible.  Because long ago, before I was even a wisp of a thought.  Christ chose me.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

5 minute Friday-1- small

Five Minute Friday


I'm a housewife.  A mom.  I wipe noses and counters and bottoms.  All day.
Money's tight.  five babies.
one for private school next year and the others?  homeschool?  keep trucking through public school with all the complaints that we have logged?  get a job?

money's tight...for anyone.  time for a new car.  these wheels are the best thing about our car right now.  I'm so so unfocused because I feel so very small.

Time to place all these little grinding sandy worries and anxieties at the feet of the cross.  Time to get out the oil of prayer and silence and let it clean those worries out of my gears.  Small bits of hope must be cultivated and not choked out by my unclear focus.  These worries of mine- they envelope me and it's time to let them be washed away.  Or my spirit gets smaller and smaller until my focus becomes a blurry dirty glass that won't let light through and certainly can't be filled up with freshness that is found in THE WORD.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Here we go-

It's early in the morning and I'm about to wake up my crew.  I've had 3 cups of coffee, my coffee date with Jesus and some yoga stretching.  Yet- I'm apprehensive... my sweet seven year old has already been fretting throughout the night about going back to school and how much she doesn't want to go.  She says her teacher yells and has a mean face.  Y'all.  This breaks my heart.  For REAL...makes me want to keep her with me and throw the public school a couple of obscene gestures and homeschool her sweet heart.  Please pray for our family as we discern what is best.  My son is facing a difficult year as well.  He's 9 and crazy smart, but his handwriting is atrocious.  The school just wants him to type everything now.  I don't think this is the right path for him.  He has to learn to write- and they have given up.  I have purchased handwriting books and I'm working with him.
Homeschool... what am I afraid of?  Losing more of my sanity?  My children missing out on school opportunities that I would not be able to provide?  an out of control home?  an out of control mom?  Yep.  that kinda sums it up.  Any words you can give me to keep fighting the good fight at school to continue to push and be my children's biggest advocate?  or ... bring them home.    Thank you in advance for prayers...  rita