Friday, December 27, 2013

Slacker Mom - hey look! a post!!!

Well, yes, I am posting!  This is for future posterity- in case my kiddos ever take to scouring the internet looking for something, some inkling of what on earth their Mama was thinking.  Linking up with Jen...

TODAY i make POSOLE!!!! 

I am armed with my Mother's Mother's recipe in a beautiful cook book that is my most favoritist gift

received ever.  And my Mom's phone number.  And my sister's.  They've made it before.  I have never made it.
Homeschool.  Wild.  Bizarre.  Shoot me.  Help me.  I'm thinking of homeschooling.  We're doing a trial right now.  What on earth am I thinking?!  I'm not happy with their school right now.  It's overly focused on digital exploration and not at all focused enough on the crystallizing of actual knowledge.  Like math facts... or sentence structure... Oh well.  So- this Christmas break we are doing a "trial".  The children were super excited.  Me?  I'm overwhelmed.  I feel like in order to effectively trial this I need a really clear agenda which I have none.  I'm basically going on what I think they are learning right now.  And this is what it looks like so far...

My Car.  Oh THAT car.  The family vehicle of 8 years.  It's a 2004 Honda Odyssey.  It has over 127,000 miles on it.  It has had 3 transmissions, one new radiator and too many batteries to remember.  The driver window does not work- it is duct taped up right now.  Classy, eh?  Nothing but the best for my chariot of fire.  And now, now it is in the shop again... getting new spark plugs.  Why not get a new car??  Because my dear ones, this clunker is PAID FOR.
White Christmas Party.  I'm surrounded by thespians.  Seriously, I married into them because I'm not dramatic at all.  Anyhow, they know each word, each pause, each song to White Christmas and so we have a party at our home to watch it together.  All 40 plus of us.  It's quite the party.  You should come.  You know you want to.  Classic.  We're keeping it classy here.
Catholic Icing.  Her advent book is the bestest ever.  I ordered it after the 2nd Sunday of Advent.  (I told you I was slacker mom) and found it to be such a wonderful security blanket to get me through my hyper charged expectations of what this season should be for my children and for me and for my husband.  She walks you through the planning stages of everything without turning you into a type A wannabe.  She also keeps your realities in check.  I love that she makes a case for slice and bake cookies and instant mashed potatoes.  Anyhow, I just really recommend this booklet for next year.
Keeping it real.  Or fake it until it's real?  That is the question.  Just a quick thought flash but I've been thinking about how Mother Theresa faced such a dark anguished filled time in her spirituality with God and yet she kept on smiling and loving her people.  In the same way, how priests may feel very lonely at times, or quite disgruntled at times when called to a 2 a.m. death bed to deliver last rites, but they go with grace and a mission.  Or how I may look at the pantry and fridge one more time... because the family must be fed and yes I just fed them 2 hours ago, but now they are looking for more substance and more sugar and they must be fed A.G.A.I.N.  Heh, heh, this is where it should say, "but she pulls it together and cooks a lovely meal for her family".  No... typically I get all frantic and moody and freaked out!  What's for dinner??  Spaghetti?  Again?  Maybe fideo?  (that is essentially Mexican spaghetti- add cumin and chili powder and beef bouillions and bam! new taste)  I am working on my response time and hoping to have this figured out earlier in the day?  week?
"La mujer cocina sopa."   - My daughter's words.  Her gentle reminder to get my rear in the kitchen and make some posole!  Off I go!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Friday, September 13, 2013

7 Quick Takes (shocker!) a post! 2 days in a row!!!

Oh Croup.
Poor Baby Girl has got it bad.  Of course she does, school just started, right??  After cough/barking all night, she is resting in a stroller in my bedroom.  Keeping a two year old on an incline is more difficult than one might expect- so I've strapped her in and propped her feet.  Hopefully she'll get some much needed sleep.  As for me?  I should be doing the dishes and folding clothes and picking up the family room and getting rid of the crunch in our carpet.  Right!  I'll get right on it.
Adventurous reading!  Right here!  Come and GET IT!  Seriously?  This is a terrific read aloud book, or listen in the car with your kiddos book or, let them take off with it.  Ages 9+
I love the character development of the main characters, four children who find acceptance from one another when no one else understands them.  Recruited for a mysterious mission, they have there work cut out for them.
My older two children (ages 10 and 9) are AVID readers.  They devour anything and everything.  But it must be funny, must be seriously dangerous and must involve smart witty kids (like them, of course!)  They got on a Rick Riordan kick and quite frankly, I am trying to get them to kick that- I really don't need to be enveloped in Greek Mythology and young kids fighting gods at this point.  Just give me a really good old fashioned mystery that has twists and turns and clever adventurers and I'm happy.  Our family gives this one 6 thumbs up (out of 6, donchaknow)

My sister and I share this anniversary with each other.  We were driving to the airport that morning, from Cheyenne, WY to Denver, CO.  I had an 8:45 a.m. flight to catch.  We each had a cup of coffee in our hands and we were happily chattering the miles away as we wound up my visit for 6 days with her and her family.  It was time to return to Dallas.  We had just approached the airport when Gina's phone rang. 

I could hear my brother-in-law speaking very loudly and directly.  Not yelling, just ordering. 


"but we just got here, I'll turn around as soon as I drop Rita off" 


I looked at her, and said, "just drop me off, I'll get out quickly."

We drove up to get the curb-side service so that I could be on my way.  But something was off.  No one was outside.  This was Denver International and there was NO ONE to be seen, except for a handful of confused looking travelers, myself included.  We looked around, I started to go into the building, my brother-in-law is calling back, and this time he's yelling.  Finally a baggage checker comes out and says, "LEAVE AT ONCE!  THE AIRPORT IS CLOSED!  NO FLIGHTS TODAY!"

Very puzzled, slightly perturbed I get back in the car with my luggage and we drive away.  Now we turn on the radio. 

It felt like a 200 pound weight had settled on my chest.  We were listening as the second plane hit.  Openly crying, rushing back to the Air Force Base, trying to figure out if it was a safe place to be or a dangerous place to be.  Ft. Warren AFB.  Missiles and all. 

I know we all have our stories and can recall with precise memory where you were when the Towers were struck.  I especially appreciate my friend, Lauren's story.  I love her message at the end.  Go and read!
Coffee with Friends!  Everyday.
Now don't be jealous, but one of my pleasures each morning is my cup of coffee with the ones I love.  Happy.

I don't think they are getting the message.
Or maybe, they KNOW I'm here, and so, that means they are off the hook.
Or maybe I'm not getting the message.

It's so bad it's good.  I appreciate Jen's explanation on why the inclination to watch such a morally lacking show is inexplicable and undeniable and yet somehow calls me to a greater appreciation for the need to have God in my life.

And hey, yo!  It's Friday the 13th.  Lucky Day.  Have a great week y'all!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

5 Favorites

Linking up with Moxie Wife via Grace over at Camp Patton today!  It's a blessed miracle to even be writing.  But I just rushed my husband and three of my children out the door for school with no shortage of frustration and craziness.  So, my theme for my five favorites are taken from my morning routine.

Bodum French Press
My eyes wake up and I instantly crave that first fresh pressed smooth liquid gold.  It cranks me up and puts a spring in my steps!

I love the daily readings.  I also really enjoy the daily reflections on the readings.  They are little homilies and they give me a focus in my journaling.  

Leather journals with lined paper are my favorite.  Sometimes they are my prayers and sometimes just random things that I do not want to forget.  

Finish making lunches
I try and have most of their lunches made and waiting in the fridge- it makes packing five lunches go smoother in the morning- but I'm often adding chips and filling their water bottles.

Breakfast Smoothie!!!

Gino got me this Ninja for my birthday two years ago and I use it practically every morning.  Some frozen berries, a little greens, protein, almond milk and BAM.  Mama's ready to tackle the chore list!!
The kids like the smoothies for breakfast too- but often they go for the cereal or eggs.  My 9 year old son can make a great scrambled egg!!

Hope your mornings get off to a running start!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes

7 Quick Takes

  1. Date night at "The Aliens" stuff donchaknow...Gino is intently studying the program and I'm intently twittering.   "The Aliens" is a play written by Annie Baker Yeah I had never heard of her either, but she's a pretty big deal in theater crowds and such.  So this was a very unique experience because we were essentially in an alley watching a play outside.  It's called environmental Playsite Theatre.  Yep.  Now you know.  Leading up to our date last night, which is what got me thought QT's #2-7, G-man was working late working late and I was all like, "that's ok honey, you do whatcha gotta do!"  So 1.5 hours before the play, he calls and says we are meeting at the play.  Now I'm all like, wait, whut?  It's no fun if you have to meet there, than you don't have that sweet foreplay date action.  Oh wellz.  So we arrive and the setting is behind the Dallas Institute in the parking lot that the alley leads to, on folding chairs.  There are 25 chairs focused on a park bench and 2 lawn-type chairs and some alley trash.  That's it.  They served us chardonnay and offered us Off bug spray.  I LOVED it.  It's really a play, as director Stefan Novinski explains, "where nothing happens"  Perfect, my suburban mama brain can't handle complex plots on a Friday night.  Characters came alive, their depth was revealed in a 2 act long dialogue.  Still thinking about how one character, KJ felt like he fit in most during a dream where he knew he was black.  Anyhow, if you're looking for something unique to do tonight, get your tickets here.  By the way, cool famous moment was sitting next to Jim O'Quinn, editor-in-chief of American Theater Magazine. I didn't know who he was either and felt like the BIGGEST LOSER when he looked at me like, ya' never heard of me?!  oh well. 
  2. Picking up speed in the QT department because I used up all my thinking power for that little review, this past Wednesday was the LAST blessed day of school.  We made it, barely.  Highlight of the year:  my kindergartner almost sent us to truancy court for having soooo many tardies.  Her other two siblings always got dropped off at the same time and they did not receive any tardies.  Hey, she does not like to be rushed.  
  3. We are in full planning stages for summer.  Camp Jesus, where the kids get to shoot b.b. guns and ride go-carts, Webelo resident camp, swimming swimming and Colorado with 20+ family members!  Can NOT WAIT!!!!!!!
  4. There are a lot of quick takes to come up with, don't you think?  Ok- I'm super jazzed that the SPURS are in the finals... I think I just lost my one reader.  Sorry, honey, I'll always root for the Spurs, even though I live in Dallas.
  5. Life is pretty luxurious over here at Casa de Rossini.  Don't believe me?   prices rolled back and so this Mama made a splurge purchase on a kiddie pool.  
  6. My friend brought over a dozen fresh eggs from her very own chickens.  They are beautiful.  Blue, light brown, speckled.  beautiful.  So now I'm faced with the dilemma of what on earth do I make with these precious eggs?  Eat them scrambled?  boiled? in a quiche?  they are supposed to be out of this world delish- but now my expectations are setting us up for a foreboding fear of using them all wrong.  Hey, G-man, do you have any suggestions?  Anyone?
  7. Alright, I'm off to grill the hot-dogs and soak in the kiddie pool.  ENJOY your WEEKEND!!!   

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

here we go again

I'm beginning again with blogging because it's summer and I need an out.
I have blogged before here and than over here.
But...I forgot those passwords and have irreversably changed those passwords sooooo....

Day 1 of summer and I'm going to post my

Five Favorites, hosted at
Five Favorites

5 things about my life that I LOVE.  Feels a little self-serving, but we'll look at it as a GRATITUDE list.  In no particular order, just shooting from the hip, here we go:

1  Grateful for my family
seems trite, but than again, maybe not!  All of them.  My folks, my grandparents, husband, his family, our kiddos.  Gino (hubsters) and I each come from a tribe 'a folks.  He's Irish-Italian and I'm Texan through and through.
2  These kiddos  

and these...

yep- that deserves it's own.  I'll unpack them and all their complex beautiful and twisted selves as the summer goes by.
3  Wine & Coffee
but I couldn't decide which order... since it's mid-day we'll go with vino.  :)   Is it 5 o'clock yet?

4  My Faith
It keeps me, and I keep it.

5 Friends
You know the friends that call you every day just to make sure you are doing ok?  The ones that can come over to your house "as is"  with 7 loads of laundry ready to be folded, a floor that needs to be swept from last night and dishes in the sink?  Friends that will come over at the drop of a hat to bring a glass of wine, or help with shuffling kiddos or restock your toilet paper?

Alright, time to get little miss Marianne from her crib- I hear her disgruntled complaints.